We do our best to provide the same day appointments via telehealth (telephone or video chat).

We also have in-person visits available with an appointment.

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Our Services

We offer our patients virtual doctor appointments, telephone visits, or in-person examinations.

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Aquarius Medical Clinic

At Aquarius Medical Clinic, we do our best to offer same day appointments via telehealth (telephone or video chat). We also have in person visits available with an appointment. Once your medical issue has been assessed. we will be able to assist you to find the most appropriate treatment. Referrals are accepted from other physicians/clinics for women’s health (including IUD insertions and Nexplanon®), maternity care, as well as dermatology (including surgical biopsy, etc.). Just like online shopping or email, Virtual Care has some inherent privacy and security risks that your health information may be intercepted or unintentionally disclosed.

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You can view lab results by registering with Lifelabs:


You can access your provincial health records with BC Health Gateway:


More services include

Services Offered At Our
Clinic Include

  • Renewing prescriptions for medication refills
  • Ordering medical imaging such as X-ray, Ultrasound, MRI or CT scans
  • Arranging for laboratory testing
  • Offering gynecological examinations including testing for infections.
  • Providing counselling on contraceptive options, including insertion or removal of an intrauterine device
    (IUD), and insertion/removal of hormonal implants such as Nexplanon®
  • Referral to a medical or surgical specialist

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We provide follow-up care, including reviewing test results and providing solutions for your medical issues.

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